So it’s late at night. You’re flipping thru the channels and are having a mighty hard time trying to find something to watch. Then you come upon it. There are certain movies that as you are flipping around you stumble across and simply have to watch ’em, nay, it’s your duty to watch.

Doesn’t matter if you own the DVD (then again, how many times do you really watch a DVD after you buy it?!?) you just have to watch the movie on t.v. sitting there zombified in the late night darkened living room.

This happened to me. The other night I was up far later then I should have been feeding Fox and channel surfing.

I don’t remember what channel is was, but one of my favorite movies you have to stop and watch was on — 13th Warrior. I’m not an Antonio Bandaras fan by any means, and as soon as it gets to the middle the movie gets really boring until you get to the end – then it gets really good again. But it was a really, really good movie.

I don’t know what Viking casting agency the production company used, but that flick has some of the COOLEST looking nordic folk… EVER.

Ok. Other movies that I have to stop and watch when they come on t.v.

Here’s SOME of my list in no particular order:

13 Warrior (gotta love them Vikings, hate them troglodite thingies)
Footloose (Kevin Bacon busts a move — or two)
Pretty in Pink (come for the fashion, stay for the music)
16 Candles
Breakfast Club
Raiders of the lost Ark
Flashdance (Again, cool music)
The Ten Commandments ( The Cecil B. Demille version. C’mon, show some love for Edward G. Robinson. A gangster guy in Egypt. Who’d a think it?)
Any Charlie Brown special
Naked Gun
Purple Rain
Prince. Need we say more?
The Day After Tomorrow ok, really REALLY bad science, but it’s a fun movie. For some reason, I really like it and have to watch it when it comes on tv.

Have I mentioned lately I love my big screen TV?